Group Tennis Lessons for Children

55-minute lessons for groups of 4 to 8 people, organized ont he basis of age and tennis skills,
with the help of a professional tennis coach, even from a complete beginner level – for which
we also provide a tennis racket if necessary. The training takes place in the winter season in
the indoor hall of the Tenniscenter on brand new hard courts.
– Age group: 4 – 6 years
– Purpose: to introduce the exercises that form the basis of mastering the game of tennis for
the development of movement coordination, to create a need for regular exercise, to love the
– Equipment: sponge ball and red ball (75% decompressed ball), 19-21 inch racket, small
2. Play & Stay age groups
A) Red Ball
– Age group: 6 – 8 years
– Purpose: learning the basic rules of the game, developing of hand-eye coordination and
sense of balance
– Equipment: red ball (75% decompressed ball), 21-23 inch racket, small court, mini net
B) Orange Ball
– Age group: 8 – 10 years
– Purpose: the expansion of tactical and technical knowledge, the formation of ever longer ball
runs over the normal-sized net
– Equipment: oramge ball (ball with 50% reduced pressure), 23-25 inch racket, smaller court
with standard size net
C) Green Ball
– Age group: 10 – 12 years
– Purpose: to expand the tactical repertoire nad to increase the speed, thereby preparing for
playing with the hard ball ont he big court
– Equipment: green ball (ball with 25% reduced pressure), 26-27 inch racket, full court with
standard size net
D) Yellow Ball
– Age group: 12 – 16 years
– Purpose: Technical refinement of strokes, expansion of tactical knowledge, increasing the
confidence of the game
– Equipment: age-appropriate size and weight racket, traditional hard ball, large court,
standard size net
Date of the group lessons:
Mini Tennis: (4-6 years): Tuesday 4-5 pm, Friday 4-5 pm
Red Ball: (6-8 years): Tuesday 4-5 pm, Friday 4-5 pm
Orange Ball (8-10 years): Monday 5-6 pm, Wednesday 4-5 pm
Green Ball (10-12 years): Monday 4-5 pm, Friday 5-6 pm,
Yellow Ball (12-16 years): Friday 7-8 pm
If you want to participate in group lesson, we can help you in the registration and give more
information, if you call us: +36 30 998 6969 or write us:
The Price of the group tennis lessons (2 semester):
1.Semester (7.10.2024. – 22.12.2024.) – 11 week
One lesson/week: 77.000.- HUF
Two lesson/week: 137.500.- HUF
2.Semester (06.01.2025. – 06.04.2025.) – 12 week
One lesson/week: 84.000.- HUF
Two lesson/week: 150.000.- HUF
You can pay the group lesson’s fee in the following ways:
– With cash or bank card in person at the reception of the Tenniscenter
– By bank transfer with invoice to the bank account of the Tenniscenter. If you would like to
pay by bank transfer, please contact us: +36 30 1177 082 or
– In case of absence, we are unable to change the group lesson’s fee or refund the paid
amount. You have the option to indicate your request for a VAT invoice before making he